Archive for the ‘Local Events’ Category

Ray White Annual Awards for 2012

Last Thursday was the annual Ray White Queensland awards night held at the Southbank Convention and Exhibition Centre and what a fabulous night it was!
We were awarded No. 7 Salesperson in Queensland for 2012, continuing our record as a top ten salesperson for the state.
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Ray White joint CEO Tony Warland gave an uplifting speech of how the past year had been a turning point … Continue Reading »

Sat 1 September 2012 | Chapel Hill State School Fete

The annual Chapel Hill State School Fete was on held on Saturday 1 September 2012. Chapel Hill community brought in Spring by coming out to play –  there were rides, a country kitchen, handmade craft, trash and treasure, hot food, snacks, raffles, entertainment, and a bar (for the parents!).  A great success and tremendous effort put in by the whole community.

[caption id="attachment_330" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Supporting … Continue Reading »

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